Monday, March 22, 2010

No More Excessive Anger or Yelling Outburts.....

The extreme uncontrollable outburst of anger and rage are gone. Instead, now I'm trying to find my right balance on Trazodone so I don't stumble around like a drunken zombie, which is what I'm doing right now, even at 2:12pm  One starts off on Trazodone at 50mgs and moves up as tolerated, to 300-400mgs.  It is a highly  sedating drug which is why you must take it at night and must use extreme caution in increasing you dosage(s).

I mentioned that I was having my lithium levels to see if they were at a level that is therapeutically effective. I took the test on Friday and hopefully will know something tomorrow. I'm wonder if my dose is high enough because I'm still quite (though not as) weepy, far more than I was in the past.

I need  to do some reading and asking (of my therapist), what sets bipolar (manic/depressive disorder) off, what triggers it? Surely there is something that is triggered in the brain, setting the highly depressive state off?
Hope to answer theses questions in my next blog post, as well as report lithium levels and feedback from my therapist.


  1. sorry you're stumbling around like a zombie. hopefully you'll get the dosage worked out soon and get the answers you need from your therapist about the other meds!

  2. Thanks! And Happy Birthday to you!!!
