Friday, March 19, 2010


I saw my doctor again today and he did allow me to discontinue to Seroquel and swap it out for Trazodone, though they are two different types of drugs So I hope this will cut down on my rages, I would say hopefully it would eradicate them altogether but I am in chemical menopause through Lupron and while most women are able to take some estrogen to help with those not-so-pleasant moods, a blood clotting disorder makes estrogen a potential deadly hazard for me 32 times more likely to have a thrombosis while on estrogen). For those who are interested, it is an inherited disorder, I received it from either my mother or father.

Tomorrow I will need to have blood drawn and have my lithium levels checked. They haven't been checked since raising my levels from 600mg per night to 900mg night. At 600mg, the lithium was not at the desirable therapuetic level. Hopefully this time (on 900mgs per day) they will be closer to or at the levels they should be. According to my doctor and Biopolar the desirable level is .8. At my last check, levels were at .5. I'm still having a lot of crying moments and an unstable mood, so we'll see, it  may be he increases the dosage to 1,200mgs which like the Klonopin I take, would be on the higher end (6mgs Klonopin which is actually quite high and my therapist was surprised I was on such a high level. With out it, I am a complete total wreck. Shaking, I feel like the day can't move fast enough, I have extreme agitation and this feeling that is almost indescribable, other than to say, I can't function feeling that way.)

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