Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A New Day

It's a new day and I have great hopes, it can be better. Another day on Prozac, if this is going to work well for me, maybe today will be an improvement. I'm still expecting weeks before full effects kick in.

I was opining with a friend over why I'm so down and I said, "You know, it's a wonder I havent ended up in the mental ward, literally. I'm cycling through different drugs, Im on the depressed side of my bipolar, Im in chemical menopause, I had surgery less than two months ago for the third time since June 2009, I work a full plus time job, I have two toddlers testing their boundares and I lost my ability to have children when they did tubal on my one ovary left (even though we have/had plans for no more).

The chemical menopause alone, who really needs that? The Lupron shot that causes it only lasts a month and it's nearly been a month, so it should be out of my system soon and I hope that helps considerably.

My friend replied: "you should say to hell with it and go straight to shots of whiskey!!"

(Insert laughs)

On top of that, I'm 5,000 miles from my family and friends. Whew! Anyone stressed yet reading this?


  1. Yes. I'm sad that we don't live closer and I can't be a physical support system for you :(

    I totally get the living to far away from family. My mom is here visiting now for the next couple of weeks and I'm already sad that she's leaving.

  2. It's be so awesome to live close to each other, I've often thought of that in relation to helping you with the twins.
